Dear UGC Members:
Thank you to our returning members and a sincere welcome to our new members. In your role as members of council, you provide a very valuable service for our colleges, departments, schools, as well as to the entire university. Not only do you make important recommendations regarding the quality, viability, and sustainability of newly proposed graduate programs, but you also provide an important perspective on graduate policies and standards that affect graduate education across the university.
The first UGC meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 from 1:30 - 3 p.m.
We will be sharing the agenda materials for the August meeting and other pertinent council information electronically with you. Thank you for your service to the university and our graduate students. I look forward to seeing you at the first meeting and working with you in the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year!
Warm regards,
Elizabeth Wentz
Vice Provost and Dean